Aphaniotis fusca (Dusky Earless Agama)
The common name of this Agamid Lizard in English is commonly called Dusky Earless Agama, Peninsular Earless Agama, Malayan Blue-mouthed Lizard , Earless lizard and Thai name called กิ้งก่าพระอินทร์ (Ging-gaa Pra-in), กิ้งก่าป่าสีน้ำเงิน (Ging-gaa Pa See Naam-ngern).
กิ้งก่าพระอินทร์ : Aphaniotis fusca (Peters, 1864)
Aphaniotis fusca is a species of the Earless Lizard Genus (Aphaniotis) within the Subfamily Draconinae, in the Agamid Lizard Family (Agamidae), Superfamily Iguania, in the Lizard and Snake Order (Squamata), in the Reptile Class (Reptilia), in the Chordate Phylum (Chordata) in the Animal Kingdom (Animalia).
Published in Peters,W. Über einige neue Säugethiere (Mormops, Macrotus, Vesperus, Molossus, Capromys), Amphibien (Plathydactylus, Otocryptis, Euprepes, Ungalia, Dromicus, Tropidonotus, Xenodon, Hylodes), und Fische (Sillago, Sebastes, Channa, Myctophum, Carassius, Barbus, Capoëta, Poecilia, Saurenchelys, Leptocephalus). Mber. k. preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin [1864]: 381-399. (1864).
Geographic Range
This species inhabits Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Tioman Island, Singapore (Chan-ard et al. 1999), the Seribuat Archipelago (Grismer et al. 2006), and Sarawak (Malkmus et al. 2002). It is also found from Sabah (East Malaysia) (Manthey 2008). It may also be found in Indonesia on Simalur, Nias, Sumatra, Singkep, Kalimantan and Natuna Island (Uetz 2006, M. Auliya pers. comm. 2010).
Habitat and Ecology
Members of the genus Aphaniotis are known to be tree- and bush-dwellers, in primary lowland moist forests and hilly regions in the general vicinity of running water (Malkmus et al. 2002).
Grismer et al. (2006) state that this species is an arboreal, diurnal lizard commonly found in undisturbed closed canopy forests, where it perches on the sides of trees and vines.
Type locality: in der Nähe von Malacca (Forest Hill)” [Malaysia]
- Otocryptis (Aphaniotis) fusca Wilhelm Karl Hartwich Peters (1864)
- Aphaniotus fusca George Albert Boulenger (1885)
- Aphaniotis floweri Franz Werner (1900)
- Aphaniotis fusca Nelly de Rooij (1915)
- Aphaniotis fuscus Edward Harrison Taylor (1963)
- Aphaniotis fusca John Roscoe Hendrickson (1966)
- Aphaniotis fuscus Alice Georgie Cruickshank Grandison (1972)
- Aphaniotis fusca Ulrich Manthey & Wolfgang Grossmann (1997)
- Aphaniotis fuscus Merel J. Cox et al. (1998)
- Aphaniotis fusca Ulrich Manthey & Norbert Schuster (1999)
- Aphaniotis fuscum Tanya Chan-Ard et al. (1999)
- Aphaniotis fusca Larry Lee Grismer (2011)
- Aphaniotis fuscus Tanya Chan-Ard et al. (2015)